We proudly announce the publication and promotion of a groundbreaking training module, the HEPA Guidelines, from the GYM4ALL Project. This guide, created in response to the physical and psychological challenges children with developmental disabilities face, particularly post COVID-19, underscores a revolutionary approach towards their physical health through gymnastics exercises.
After an extensive preparation phase following the kick-off meeting, each consortium partner dove into their respective roles, employing their distinct knowledge and competencies to shape the HEPA Guidelines. Our collaborative workspace, fostered through shared Google Drive folders and regular Skype meetings, allowed partners to constructively contribute and refine this training module.
The draft of the training module was put forward by GK Knin, following which a flurry of suggestions poured in from consortium partners. Udruga Bartolomej and Kuća Brezovica lent practical advice based on their experience with children with disabilities. ŠD Partizan provided insights on multi-sport implementation, while the Macedonian Paralympic Committee contributed a scientific approach and institutional support, thus ensuring a holistic development of the HEPA training module.
The HEPA Guidelines respect the highest ethical and professional principles while leveraging cutting-edge technology. Designed to be friendly for children and easily implemented by organizations working with children, the training module addresses various factors: it is specifically adapted to the target group, it takes into account the period of inactivity caused by the pandemic, it is aligned with current epidemiological measures, and it adheres to HEPA guidelines. It also incorporates pedagogical recommendations and health approaches for working with the target group.
Upon concluding this phase of the project, the consortium has produced a preliminary version of the handbook titled “HEPA Guidelines for Children with Disabilities After COVID-19”, a rich repository of resources designed for children who have faced long periods of inactivity due to the pandemic.
Promotion of the preliminary HEPA Guidelines has been initiated via a feature article on the project’s website and through sharing with our partners. Despite not being the final version, it has been uploaded to the project’s website for public accessibility, providing an opportunity for interested parties to stay updated on the project’s timeline and offer feedback.
Looking ahead, we eagerly anticipate completing the final version of the HEPA Guidelines, which will include a conclusion, feedback after implementation, and practical advice from trainers.
Guidelines are free to download on LINK